Voices for Children/Guardian ad Litem
The Power of One
A Journey of two people’s lives changed forever by the power of one.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
GA Films helped Big Brothers Big Sisters create this PSA, which takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to being a mentor for BBBS. It also promotes their specialty license plate. For each plate sold, BBBS receives $25 to help kids across Florida. To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay or how to get involved, visit their website, bbbsflorida.org.
Guardian ad Litem
Tony Dungy and Lauren Dungy are long-time foster parents living in Hillsborough County. There are over 3,600 children in the foster care system in Hillsborough County alone, many without representation. Visit http://galtampa.org to learn more about how you can volunteer and be the voice that can make a difference in a young child’s life.
Voices for Children
The children of Hillsborough County and VFC need your help. Can you imagine being taken from your home, separated from your family, and placed in a stranger’s care? Or not know if you will see a familiar face again and wondering what you did wrong? If you answered, “Yes, I can!” then you understand the essential need for GAL volunteers.
Camp Boggy Creek
Join us for the time of your life as you enrich the life of a sick child. Be a cabin counselor, family pal, lifeguard, kitchen helper…we have something for everyone. (Must be at least 19 years of age)
You Impact is an online program that inspires change through the stories of victims and defendants who have had their lives affected by impaired driving. This program can be court mandated or completed voluntarily and is free for those who qualify for indigent status.